Resources for Families & Children


For Children/Para Niños

Escuchando a Mi Cuerpo

Aprender sobre la conexión entre las sensaciones físicas y sus sentimientos

(also available in English - Listening to My Body)

Listening with My Heart

Listening with My Heart

A story of kindness and self-compassion

(also available in Spanish - Escuchando con mi Corazón)


The ABCs of Mindful Breathing

Gorilla Thumps & Bear Hugs

Tapping for kids

Bright Star

Bright Star

Young readers are invited to listen and observe, to accept themselves

Pio Peep Nursery Rhymes

¡Pio Peep!

Traditional Spanish Nursery Rhymes Book and CD: Bilingual Spanish-English

Que cosas dice mi abuela dichos y refranes

¡Que Cosas Dice Mi Abuela!

Dichos y refranes - traditional Spanish-language sayings


For Adults/Para Adultos

Voices from the ancestors

Voices from the Ancestors

Xicanx and Latinx Spiritual Expressions and Healing Practices

It Didn't Start with You

It Didn’t Start with You

How Inherited Family Trauma Shapes Who We Are and How to End the Cycle

No-Drama Discipline

No-Drama Discipline (also available in Spanish)

The Whole Brain Way to Calm the Chaos and Nurture Your Child's

Developing Mind

Criando a su NIno con Orgullo Latino

Criando a Su Niño con Orgullo Latino

Como Ayudarle a Su Hijo a Valorar Su Cultura y Triunfar en el Mundo de Hoy

(also available in English)

woman who glows in the dark

Woman Who Glows in the Dark

A Curandera Reveals Traditional Aztec Secrets of Physical and Spiritual Health

Latinos Talk Mental Health (podcast)

On this Latinos Talk episode, hosts open up about their first time going to therapy.